
Configure Eclipse on First Launch

The first time you run Eclipse, you’re presented with a dialog that allows you to select a Workspace.


Accept the default location for your Workspace.


Check “Use this as the default and don not ask again”.

Note: If you’re reinstalling Eclipse, you mustn’t reuse the same default location for your workspace – this will corrupt your Eclipse installation. I learned this the hard way because I’d been using C:\Users\Chris\workspace, and I wanted to use that directory again; so I made a copy of it and saved it (into E:\Safe\workspace), and then cleaned C:\Users\Chris\workspace.

Check for updates

Before you start installing addins to Eclipse, make sure you’re working with the latest version (build) of Eclipse.

  • To update Eclipse, click Help > Check for Updates

    Check the Status Bar for the update task’s progress.

Set preferences

In Eclipse, click Window > Preferences, and then systematically go through the items in the hierarchical menu in the left pane – and check each item’s configuration.



Enable: Enable Animations

Compare/Patch/ > Text Compare

Enable: Initially show ancestry pane

Error Reporting

Enter your name and e-mail address


Enable: Save automatically before build

Enable: Show workspace path in window title

Text file encoding: Other > UTF-8



Enable: Mark occurrences of the selected element in the current buildfile


Automatic Updates

Enable: Configure Eclipse so it automatically updates each time you start it.




Enable: Comments, Inner types, and Members


Enable: Combined Hover


Enable: Automatically insert at correct position > Semicolons > Braces


Enable: Show the file author in compare editors



Enable: E-mail addresses in Author/Committer columns

Update errors

If the update process fails, throwing errors like this:

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.api,1.0.1.v20141111

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.connector.basic,1.0.1.v20141111

No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.aether.impl,1.0.1.v20141111

Then you need to refresh the list of “Available Software Sites.”

To do so, select them all in Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites, and then click Remove.

Any easy way to add them back is to Import the file named bookmarks.xml with the following content:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Android Developer Tools (ADT)”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Code Recommenders Stable Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”Eclipse Luna”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”oXygen”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”PyDev Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”ReST Editor Update Site”/>
<site url=”” selected=”true” name=”update site:”/>

Add common libraries

When I was experimenting with Java projects, I continually ran into instances where projects depended on external libraries (JSON, IO, etc.). After downloading a few of them, I simply downloaded several of them – so I’d always have then on hand.

To add the common libraries, visit:


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